

今天(4月16日 ),大蒙特利尔地区各学校委员会及多个私立学校因冰雨停课一天。

各校委将通过twitter, facebook 或 CJAD800电台播送了停课通知。家长也可亲往相关学校网站或给学校打电话确认。


Lester B. Pearson School Board

English Montreal School Board

Comission Scolaire de Montreal

Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys

New Frontiers School Board

Riverside School Board

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

Eastern Townships School Board

Lower Canada College

Loyola High School

Sacred Heart School

Villa Maria

West Island College

Academie Marie-Laurier

Academie Vaudrin

Akiva School

Alexander von Humbodt Schule Mtl

Beth Rivkah Academy

Bialik High School

C.P.E. Riverview

CEGEP de Vieux Montreal

Centennial Academy

College de Jean de Brebeuf

Collège de l'Assomption

College Lionel Groulx

College Stanislas

Comission Scolaire de Montreal

Comission scolaire des Affluents

Comission Scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries

Comission Scolaire Marie Victorin

Commission Scolaire des Patriotes

Commission scolaire des Sommets

Commission Scolaire des Trois Lacs

Commission Scolaire Laval

Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys

CPE de Mon Coeur

CPE Dollard


CPE Lachine

CPE Shalom

CPE Terre des Enfants

Eastern Townships School Board

Ecole Bilingue Notre-Dame de Sion

Ecole buissonniere

Ecole Giant Steps

Ecole Vanguard Quebec Ltee

Emmanuel Christian School

English Montreal School Board

Garderie Foundation

Greaves Adventis Academy

Hebrew Academy

Hebrew Academy CPE

Hebrew Day School

Hebrew Day School Tots

Hebrew Foundation School

Hebrew Foundation CPE

Hudson Pre-school Centre


Kells Academy

Kells Elementary

Lester B. Pearson School Board

Lower Canada College

Loyola High School

Miss Edagar's and Miss Cramp's

Montreal Oral School for the Deaf

New Frontiers School Board

North Star Academy

Peter Hall School

Rising Sun Childcare Centre / CPE Soleil Le Vent

Riverside School Board

Sacred Heart School

Selwyn House

Shaar Hashomayim Foundation School

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

Solomon Schechter Acadmey

St George's School Elementary

St George's School High School

Summit School

The Study

Trafalgar School for Girls

Treehouse Day Care

Tyndale St-Georges (CPE)

United Talmud Torah

Villa Maria

West Island College



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